Free registration/transfer and renewal for any online registrant domain. |
1 Domain |
Subdomain |
Unlimited |
Disk Space Quota (MB) |
4500 |
Monthly Bandwidth Limit (MB) |
45000 |
Max FTP Accounts |
5 |
Max Email Accounts (POP3, IMAP, SMTP) |
5 |
Web Email |
RoundCube |
Max Mailing Lists |
10 |
Max Quota per Email Address (MB) |
750 |
Maximum percentage of failed or deferred messages a domain may send per hour |
100 |
Max Passenger Applications |
4 |
Max SQL Databases |
5 |
Max Team Users |
7 |
SSL free Certificate |
Let’s Encrypt |
Options |
CGI Access |
cPanel Theme |
jupiter |
Script language |
PHP, Perl, Python |
Application – (Installation with Softaculous) |
WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many more |
Language |
English |